Saturday, 9 April 2016

गतिमान एक्सप्रेस : पहियों पर दौड़ता खुशनुमा डब्बा

मैंने चारों तरफ देखा लाल -लाल डब्बे पान की पीक से और भी ज्यादा लाल होते हुए और शायद साम्यवाद का प्रतीक  नजर नही आरहे थे. एक नीली ट्रेन खड़ी थी. कोट पेंट पहने लोग खड़े थे . महंगे मोबाइल लिए कुछ लोग खड़े थे . और कचौड़ी वाला उनकी ओर झांक रहा था. देश की तरक्की का सबूत गतिमान एक्सप्रेस खड़ी थी. जिसपर जापानी बुलेट ट्रेन की आत्मा हंस रही थी. मैं भी 800 रूपए का टिकट लिए लाल और नीली ट्रेन का अन्तर समझ रहा था. पहला कदम अन्दर रखते ही समझ गया की आप दिल्ली मै ही है. 8.10 बजे चलने वाली ट्रेन में लोग 7.45 बजे से ही इतनी जल्दी बजी कर रहे थे जैसे दिल्ली में लोग मेट्रो के लास्ट स्टेशन पर लिफ्ट में पहले कौन घुसेगा इस पर दौड़ लगते है . 

जगह काफी है , सामान रखने के लिए , चलने के लिए , बैठने के लिए , समझाने के लिए उस तरक्की को जिसमें फटे कपडे पहने जनरल डब्बे के फर्श पर फटी चादर बिछा कर सोने वाले की कोई जगह नहीं . 


सीट के बारे मे अगर कहे तो ठीक है पर शताब्दी से थोड़ी सी छोटी . हवाई जहाज की तरह समाने वाली सीट के पीछे से प्लेट बहार निकल के आजाती  है मगर जगह ज्यादा . अपनी कमर के अनुसार सीट को हिला सकते है. पैर रखने के लिए भी व्यवस्था है जोकि मैंने सोची भी नही थी . कुछ सरप्राइज की तरह एक भारतीय रेल के तारीफ़ के पुल बांधती पत्रिका सीट पर पड़ी मिलती है. बोतल रखने का स्टैंड उम्मीद से बड़ा और अब तक का सबसे अच्छा . 

खिड़की के बारे में कहना कुछ खास जरुरी तो नहीं पर हर्ज़ भी क्या है कहने में. शानदार अच्छी खासी बड़ी एक मेट से आधी ढकी, पूरी खुल या बंद भी हो सकने वाली .  अभी तक तो साफ सुथरी . एक दर्पण की तरह जो ठन्डे डब्बे और बाहर  की गर्म दुनिया के बीच के अन्तर को महसूस कराती है. बहार खड़े कुली और अन्दर बैठा मैं एक दूसरे देख सकते है पर ये खिड़की एक जकड़न की तरह उसको और मुझे अलग अलग रोके रखती है.

ठीक 8.10 बजे हल चल होती है. सबकुछ मामूली ट्रेन की तरह ही होता है. वही पटरियां वही ट्रेन वही सब कुछ लगता है की आप तभी नीले कोट पहने अखबार और पानी की बोतल के साथ प्रकट होजाते है . मुस्कान न खोखली न ही आत्मीयता से भरी यानि काफी सधी हुयी उनके चहरे पर होती है. हम पढ़ सकते है हिंदी या अंग्रेजी आपकी चॉइस है . रेलनीर का पानी ही मिलेगा बस इस पर कोई चॉइस नहीं पर ठीक है चलता है अगर पानी साफ है. 

Sunday, 3 April 2016

LIFE Always Gives 2ND Chance

Just sitting in room and was playing with TV remote. Nothing was interesting so kept on changing channels. I was bit low. It was not a good day for me. . Since long time I am living in darkness. I left social life ..dont interact much with family and relatives.. Changing jobs in every 6-7 month. Every day starts with small phone conversation with mother and finished with kind of depression. I always wish that I could get short term memory loss type disease. Life is too complicated and people say life never gives 2nd chance so never ever miss the opportunity. But I was never keen to look for any opportunity. This day too I was sitting lonely in room making life alcoholic alone. TV always gives me some kind of satisfaction I can watch all world while keeping myself hiding in small , smelly, cold Ac room. I knew that I would not find anything which could match my mood so I was just changing channel to channel. Suddenly I stuck when I saw a black man with a smile on face..Handicapped …his both legs were cut off from body. This was the live telecast of commonwealth games. A man from Jamaica came to the stage on wheelchair, smiled toward audience ..Kissed his country flag and lay down on the table. This man who had lost his both legs was about to lift up 135 kg weight.  Yes this was power lifting game. I was just shocked …he doesn’t cry ..he doesn’t hide himself.. he doesn’t cut off  himself from rest of the world. He just smiles ..his innocent smile was  clearly telling me “I don’t want to run..i want to fly”  . It killed me …killed my depressing soul..his wheelchair reminded me my bike. .my x girl friend.. just imagine if had not had legs ..would I have got these things. .never.  This handicapped guy can’t ride a bike but he knows how to be happy and how to convert his own limitations in to his strength. He finished his act but unfortunately was disqualified. He smiled again..looked at the coach ..Set on wheelchair and went off…for the next chance. He was not depressed ..not disappointed ..He knew life always gives 2nd chance…                       

Saturday, 2 April 2016


Date -2 august 2290
Place – city hospital

“ Run have to save him.” Dr. Alberto almost shouted on staff.  Everybody was in rush.
“Alfa -1 , Alfa-1 our PM  has been attacked by terrorist over” security chief shouted in anger over walky-talky.
“ what? What the hell how it happened”
“ they attacked with JNX-1 virus bomb. We are in city hospital. Secure the area. We don’t want any further attack.  Bring  AVLBT ( anti-viral laser beam tanks) all around hospital. Establish virus free zone by satellite.” Security chief was ordering to all security personal.   
“ doctor how is Prime minister?”
“ virus has damaged his brain very severally  . we need to transplant the brain. But we don’t have any human brain in our neural bank at present.” Dr. Alberto said with disappointment.
“ so? Are we gonna lose him? Do you understand this mean? It will give a big boost to terrorist. We can not lose his life. We cannot lose this war.  You, doctor have to save him.”
“what you want me to do?? Should I kill somebody to get brain or should I transplant any animal’s brain ”
“I don’t  care do whatever you want just don’t let him die.”
Dr. Alberto already started thinking on it. Immediately he called the team of neurosurgeons and physicians.
“ As you all know we don’t have much time. We need to transplant brain but unfortunately there is no human brain. At any coast we have to save our PM life. I have decided to transplant non human brain. Now all of you have 1 hour go, search , do whatever you want just find what animal brain could be suitable option to transplant.  We will meet here after 1 hour.” Dr. Alberto eyes were wide open. He was looking for a new possibility. He was going to do what never did in past.

After 1 hour.

“yes what you have found. Tell fast.” Dr. Alberto asked curiously. He knew his world best neuro physicians team wouldn’t disappoint him.
“ sir human brain volume is 1400c.c around. So we had to find some animal which brain volume should be same as human. Luckily we got a list of animal which can be fit into it.”
“ what are they . tell all one by one.”
One doctor started pressing button one by one and name with brain volume begin to appear on screen.
“ sir 1st and best choice would be chimpanzee. Its brain volume is around 1400c.c most suitable to transplant in human skull.”
“no! no! we don’t have much time surgery itself will take 10 hour. We need some immediate option. ok leave this tell 2nd .”
“ 2nd choice could be orangutan but this animal only found in Asian jungles so difficult to get it in a short time.”
“tell next option.”
 “ donkey.”
“What? Donkey?” dr. Alberto said being little reluctant mood.
“ yes sir. Donkey also has brain volume around 1400 c.c and we can find it with in no time. It could be best option in this scenario.”
“ Hmm Ok do it. Find donkey brain as soon as you can meet me operation theater in 1 hour” dr. Alberto was almost convinced with this option.

Date – 5 august 2290
Place –city hospital

“ Chief operation is successful. We have saved our PM life. It will take few days to recover. Till than full bed rest.”
“ thank god what you did? You got human brain?” chief asked furiously with tremendous excitement.
“ no! we transplanted donkey brain. This was the 1st operation of its own kind. We got success to transplant animal brain to human body.” Dr. Alberto replied with mixed emotion of happiness and other strange one.
“ what ?? donkey brain??” chief was shocked and silent.
“ you should be happy. Somehow we saved PM life.” Dr. Alberto left the room leaving strange question on chief’s face.

Date -7 august 2290
Place- city hospital

“ how many days I slept ?” PM just woke up
“ just two days sir. You need to rest.”
“no! we have to go to work. no time for rest” PM just got up from bed.

Date – 9 august 2290
Place – public meeting

“I, The Prime Minister of this country wants to make you all sure. We won’t tolerate any –any evil , illegal activity by these separatist –terrorist .” P.M raised his hand.
“ This is our land..our country ……” suddenly PM was chocked. He tried again
“ t..his  is ….aaaaa…dheechuuu.” P.M closed his mouth with hand.
Chief ran to the mike and take over the conversation.
“As you know our PM had been attacked recently. So he is not feeling well. From here our home minister will continue thank you.”
“ what happened ? why you chocked sir?”
“ dheenchuu , dheenchuu..dhiaaa” all these voice could came from PM.

Date- 10 august 2290
Place –city hospital

“ brain has started taking over his vocal cord. Now he can speak donkey voice only. He is human but he will act like donkey. We are sorry. We didn’t think but saving life was 1st priority at that time.”Dr. Alberto said with worried lines over face.
“ But problem is bigger than this. We just replaced certain part of brain only. His emotions , feeling, higher functions are human. HE WILL THINK LIKE HUMAN BUT ACT LIKE DONKY.”
                                  Imagine you want to say I love you but your body doesn’t allow you to speak. Imagine  You want to express you feeling that how much you care your beloved once but all you can do some funny donkey things. Imagine you want to cry but all you can do some funny donkey voice. You can cry because humans cry but donkeys don’t.

Date – 12 august 2290
Place – BBCN News center 

“ breaking news. From the reliable sources it is confirmed now our Prime Minister is no more human. Yes you heard correct. After attack his brain is replaced by donkey’s brain. Our country is at biggest risk ever in the hand of donkey-man. DONKEY-MAN.” News anchor was reading the news breathlessly.

Date -13 August 2290
Place – social meeting somewhere in city

“ that’s horrible ! our country is going through worst days ever. And in that our PM is out of use now. A donkey-man can not save us in such a crucial point.” One respected country man said.
“yes ! terrorist attacks are more lethal now . they have got viral weapons too. Their military forces are coming near to border. And our P.M is now donkey-man.”
“ what he will do just dheenchuu dheenchuuu?” all laughed.

This was the most shocking news ever faced by country. It just sparked tremendous ridiculous rumors all around. The Most respected leader in the history of country who fought war of freedom. Who gave his entire life for country suddenly became just matter of fun? Matter of hate?  How insensitive, unemotional is this.

Date – 14 august 2290
Place-  All political party meet

“  I , chairman, announces that our current P.M is no more functional with immediate effect. Decision has been taken by selected committee which has proposed to remove current P.M. With the consent of all party leaders we approve the decision.” All party members appreciated the decision and clapped in favour.
PM was sitting in corner chair. He was silent like a dead man. His heart was sinking in deep pain.  He wanted to shout .he wanted to cry. Such an apathy, ungrateful behaviour by his own party members . He should have died. It was really indecent exit from politics.  He smiled, raised his hand like he also accepted the decision and went out from the room.

Date – 15 august 2290
Place – donkey-man house

It was a dark room. No sign of light and hope in the room. One dead body was hanging from the roof. A great leader, great man had gone from the world. They all need just a man who can play with words, play with spirit, play with soul of country. They don’t need, they don’t deserve innocent donkey-man and yes donkeys also cry, feel pain and die in ignorance.